Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Parenting And Attachment Styles Influence The Temperament
Parenting and attachment styles influence the temperament during infancy and toddler years. Parenting styles are strategies and techniques that parents use during child rearing. Attachment refers to a secure emotional connection, such as a union among a mother and child. Temperament is the nature of an individual in which affects behavior. Parenting and attachment work hand in hand with influencing the temperament of the child. Three types of children are form upon identifying the characteristics of their behavior; the easy child, the difficult child and the slow-to-warm-up child (Berk, 2010). The easy child embrace new experiences and form consistent schedules. The difficult child is challenged by new experiences and often display negative reactions. The slow-to-warm-up child shy away from routine and gradually envelope new experiences. These characteristics of the child ultimately express their social-emotional development, which is influenced by their initial interaction with pare nts and caregivers. In example, the easy child’s parents provides high levels of trust, encouraging the infant with feeling secure. In return, the child feels as though the world is trustworthy, making is easier to face new experiences. This dictates the behavior they express toward others. Parenting and forms of attachment play an essential role in both the temperament and social-emotional development of the child. Furthermore, an analysis of the affects that authoritative and permissiveShow MoreRelated Development of Attachment Essay examples1556 Words  | 7 Pagesyou should adapt your parenting methods to fit his specific needs. All children differin fundamental ways, two of the most comprehensive being their temperaments and attachment styles. A child’s temperament is the way in which he reacts to the world, new situations, people, and experiences. Attachment is an infant’s enduring emotional bond to his parentsor primary caregivers. Both of these factors affect children not only in infancy, but throughout their lives. Temperament has been shown to beRead MoreWhat Is Reciprocal Socialization Means And Give 1-2 Examples That May Demonstrate It1385 Words  | 6 Pagesparent is hostile, hostile parenting is associated with negative outcomes for adolescents such as being defiant. I think another example is a client that was mentioned in class she felt as if her existence was the cause of someone’s misery. If her mother never praises her, or tells her that she makes her life miserable, or that life would be easier if she was not born the client responds negatively and cuts herself and feels like a burden. 2. Describe the 4 parenting styles as discussed in your textRead MoreTemperament721 Words  | 3 PagesTemperament: behavioral styles that are fairly stable across situations and are biologically based Infant Temperament Thomas and Chess: Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas conducted pioneering longitudinal research on infant temperament. 3 patterns (based on parents reports) * easy babies (40%) adjust readily to new experiences, quickly established routines, and generally were cheerful in mood and easy to calm * difficult babies (10%) adjust to new experiences, likely to reac negativelyRead MoreAbstract Behavioral Development Is A Crucial Part Of Human1289 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract Behavioral development is a crucial part of human development. It influences how people interact with the atmosphere and others around them. Behavioral development is reliant on on many environmental factors which include one’s parents, siblings, peers, schooling and culture. According to Jacqueline J. Goodnow, these parental factors are often dependent on the culture in which the person was raised. The two parental factors that have a negative effect on a child’s behavioral and psychologicalRead MoreChild s Interaction With Caregivers Essay1239 Words  | 5 Pagesfor the rest of their lives. Attachment and parenting styles play a role in a child’s personality, social, and cognitive skills. It is important for adults to understand the severity of attachment and positive relati onships with children. Attachment is the foundation for a strong relationship between caregivers and children. Children usually become attached to the person who cares for them most often during their first year of life. There is secure and insecure attachment which can affect a child andRead MoreEssay on How to Rev Kids Up to do What You Ask876 Words  | 4 PagesHow to Rev Kids Up to do What You Ask How to rev kids up to do what you ask,†is the sample to be discussed. Discussion The author, Hoffman introduces two experts, the magazine’s parenting columnist Lynn and clinical psychologist, Phelan, to advise two families, the Ashworths, father Nigel and his three young children, Ben, one, Georgia, age three, and Liam, age five; the second family consists of Angela, a single parent and her twelve year old daughter, Nina. Parent/child interactionsRead MoreNeuroticism Is A Dimension Of Temperament That Can Potentially Play A Role1057 Words  | 5 PagesPSYS 270 Writing Assignment 3 Neuroticism is a dimension of temperament that can potentially play a role in disorders. Barlow and colleagues (2014) provide an understanding of this role, through the triple vulnerability theory. The theory incorporates: general biological vulnerability, general psychological vulnerability, and specific psychological vulnerability all interacting in the development of an emotional disorder (or neuroticism itself), particularly anxiety and mood disorders. NeuroticismRead MoreThe Role of Parents in Shaping a Child ´s Future Essay examples1239 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause I find it fascinating that both personality characteristics and social and ideological beliefs are passed from parent to children, whether genetically, or simply the manner in which the child is raised. Those traits (and current parental influence) then determine who the child is, will be, and what decisions they will make in the future. I will express my opinion on the situation and explain the research I found. II. My Search Process I began my search process by reading Romeo and Juliet,Read MoreHow Parenting Styles Affect Children Essay1583 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction In this paper, I will examine how parenting style affects an individuals relationship with his or her children. According to Baumrind, there are four main parenting styles, differentiated on levels of support and expectations. This paper focuses on parents with high support and high expectations,who are known as authoritative parents and those who are supportive with low expectations, who are are permissive. These four different styles of parenting lead to very different developmental outcomesRead MoreCase Study Of Rita And Christina1885 Words  | 8 Pagesthis project will focus on providing careful explanations that describe the familial and parental characteristics of the socio-cultural environment that favor the removal of Christina from Rita s custody, followed by the explanation of why the attachment between the parent and child provide reasons that are against the removal of Rita s custody of Christina, to end on a recommendation on which course of action will best benefit the child. Observations that favor the removal of Christina C. In
Monday, December 16, 2019
New Questions About Nature Vs.nurture Essay Topics Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report
New Questions About Nature Vs.nurture Essay Topics Answered and Why You Must Read Every Word of This Report You might choose to reveal the subject of the debate with no attempts to set nature vs nurture. The nature vs. nurture argument has become the longest outstanding debate in the subject of psychology. In both, the circumstance, nature vs nurture essay turns out to be a good way to say your point of view on a certain topic and showcase your analytical skills. If you need assistance deciding whether your argument is sufficiently strong, or in case you only require a few tweaks here and there, the Kibin editors are here to assist. Another thing to bear in mind is there are writers at Trust my Paper that are readily available to assist you with any essay assignment you're trying to finish. There's a matter that has been debated upon by philosophers before and still so by scientists today. These days, it has turned into one of the most exciting topics for research papers for everybody, including students. In most instances, students have to compose a nature vs nurture paper in the shape of a five-paragraph essay. Friends will always attempt to force you to smoke, and should you dont, you may not be welcomed in the society. Children are going to learn from the ones they're raised by. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Now you can begin to compose your nature vs nurture essay. Within the body, human nature is completely remarkable. Nature of human beings, on the flip side, is a totally different story. As time passes, the essence of society came into play. Leibniz promoted the externalism viewpoint. Nature is a whole lot more than the physical that we see every single day. It plays a very important role in the body with reproduction as well. Nature Vs.nurture Essay Topics - the Conspiracy Although genetics cannot be considered accountable for the comprehensive influence over one's behavior or personality, it's accountable for some of it. The genes aren't able to assess the roles played by genetic aspect in someone's behaviour. Our heredity can create a whole lot of options for us. Nature is the important element in the evolution of health issues. Secondly, you ought to be ready to deal difficult characteristics of your kid's behaviour. Our current comprehension of human genetics makes it fairly apparent that lots of human bodily traits are inherited. The expression predispostion indicates a possible tendency that needs suitable environmental aspects to trigger it. The influences incorporate the genetic elements that interact with one another. In the event the individual starts coaching a tiny baby since its birth to become a single ofthe possible professions representatives, an individual will figure out how to succeed in the specific field. Although animal behavior is easily conditioned too, it's heavily dependent on the animal's genetic programming. The animal isn't very large and weighs around 40-50 lbs. Due to how the animal cannot run long distances, it must catch its prey in the first couple of moments of the hunt. Life, Death, and Nature Vs.nurture Essay Topics It's important to see the disease element of Alc oholism. however, it's not all passed down. The evolution of mental illness isn't entirely genetic. Some leading mental disorders like bipolar, depression and schizophrenia are thought to be genetic (More, 2013). No matter your issues are alcohol really isn't the answer. As soon as it is surely useful in the creation of particular conditions for there to be a genetic disposition, there almost always should be an environmental trigger that leads to the characteristic to manifest in somebody. Random variations in the genetic program of development might be a considerable supply of non-shared atmosphere. The nurture side argues that someone's environment plays a huge function. Make it a habit to set your devices away as early as possible so that your body is able to start to naturally find ready for bed. The review is carried merely by putting all the appropriate info in a place that may hold all of them together and facilitate a synoptic view of all of the relevant things. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. Another instance is part of life-long smokers. An additional example contains the description of each element in its turn. Nature Vs.nurture Essay Topics Explained Mastering the skills necessary to write it will improve your opportunities to find the maximum grade for your essay. Singing in a neighborhood choir allows me to have fun and relish an ordinary passion with other folks. With the aid of right guidance and luck you'll be able to improve skills. As the very best nature vs nurture examples demonstrate, a great introduction contributes to the general success of your essay significantly.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
My True Love Essay Example For Students
My True Love Essay Life is full of unexpected experiences. No one knows what will happen in the very next moment. In fact, these unexpected experiences happen when you meet a person who has the capability to change your life completely. I have met someone who is more than a man; he was and will always be my hero. He was soft spoken, yet every word he said held a strong meaning. Matthew taught me to love unconditionally, to respect myself, and to forgive others. Before we met, I would have said love does not exist, not because I never experienced it, but because I did not believe in love. He came into my life without a warning, he was my knight in shining armor. During this time in my life, I was lost and confused about how to love myself or anyone for that matter. Matthew and I shared a connection that was unbreakable. We would talk on the phone all night, sometimes until the sun came up. Every time I would hear his voice, butterflies would form in my stomach and I would get so excited. And I also shared my most intimate thoughts with him. Through his actions, he showed me unconditional love. He always acknowledged the little accomplishments I achieved, whether it was acing my tests or merely making it to the passing score. He taught me that love transcends all physical boundaries and is there to be felt and enjoyed with between two people. He taught me how to be patient in my life and to wait for good things to come to me, rather than stressing after them and never finding them. Before I met him, I really wasn’t sure of myself. But he came into my life and made me feel so strong and fearless.? He was the first person who I truly fell in love with and I can safely say that it is from him that I have learned to love unconditionally. Because of him, I began to develop the ultimate respect for myself as a young woman. I think Matthew always knew I was different from other females. He always respected me and never called me out of my name. He treated me like a queen, always telling me I was beautiful and to follow my heart. Matthew felt respect was one of the most important values a woman could have. He taught me to never let a woman or man disrespect me. People should have to earn your love and respect, never give it to anyone, that is what he told me. Shortly after, I began to change internally. I started to talk differently, my views on life and love became more visual to me, I even began to change the way I dressed. I never changed who I was as a person, I just learned how to enhance the love and respect for myself that was already in stilled in me. Besides learning to respect myself, Matthew taught me how to forgive. My mother was the person I never wanted to become. Yes she was beautiful, career oriented and very independent. However, I resented her. She always scolded me for every small mistake I committed during my high school days. In short, she was a perfectionist; and I must follow everything she wants for me. My relationship with my mom was not perfect since I wanted to explore things on my own when I reached high school. Through my relationship with Matthew, I made a mistake, a mistake that most people would not forgive. I betrayed his trust and love by lying to him. After I revealed my actions to him he forgave me and said he still wanted to be with me because he loved me. I believe that’s when I realize everyone deserves a second chance. Because of Matthew’s forgiveness, I also learned to forgive my mother for the mistakes she made. I guess you forgive someone not because you have to, but because you love them that is why you forgive them. All in all, I think that meeting Matthew is the one event that has definitely affected and changed me and the way that I looked and perceived life. I have learned so many things from him and he has been able to give me a completely new outlook towards life. I am a much happier, wiser, safer, and more confident person after meeting him.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Global Revolution in Mobile
Table of Contents Introduction Description of 3G Wireless Technology Features of 5G Wireless Technology How 5G Compares with 4G/LTE Prospect Analysis of 5G Wireless Technology Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The global revolution in mobile as well as Internet technology has drastically changed the way we live and operate. Many people in the world today use a mobile phone for different communication purposes. Usually, the mobile phones use one of the many mobile data networks available.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Global Revolution in Mobile specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Drawing from a study by Gregory (1), most mobile phone applications make use of bandwidth. This has prompted telecommunication companies throughout the world to think about upgrading to the most modern generation of mobile data network. While some people are comfortable with 4G services, 5G technology is slowly taking shape and will soon replace 4G networks. According to Jain, Agrawal, and Awasthi (569), 5G technology is bound to make a significant contribution to the world of communication and greatly improve communication. This paper provides an overview of 5G technology and the major improvements that could be made to it. Description of 3G Wireless Technology Generally, 5G is a term that is used to refer to the fifth generation of mobile networks and is not associated with any particular standard. Apparently, the discussion surrounding 5G technology can be placed in tow broad categories. In one category 5G wireless technology is regard as a service-led technology that consolidates 2G, 3G, and 4G Wi-Fi services designed to offer greater coverage and access to mobile services. The second view is driven by a step-by-step change in data speed as well as order of magnitude reduction in end-to-end latency. Based on a study by Kaplan (1), 5G is described as the very first network designed to enable versatility and scalability.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As explained by Kaplan (1), 5G wireless networks are considered to be very powerful and able to provide high quality data services to clients. Considering that a 5G wireless network integrates communication and computing technologies, it has the capability to handle huge amounts of data quite efficiently. Features of 5G Wireless Technology As pointed out by Jain, Agrawal, and Awasthi (570), the 5G wireless technology has quite a number of advanced technological features that make it very powerful as far as communication is concerned. It is alleged that 5G technology will be so advanced that it will be possible to link the whole world through a wireless worldwide web (Jain, Agrawal Awasthi 570). The technology will make it possible for people all over the world to experience a very high bandwidth and a level of call data tr ansmission never witnessed in the past. It will also offer high quality services in the area of production and offering support to different forms of electronic transactions. With 5G wireless technology, users are presently able to use mobile phones equipped with a huge amount of memory for storage as well as a camera. The technology also makes it possible to connect mobile phones to laptops in order to access broadband Internet. Because of the 5G wireless technology, present day mobile phones closely resemble handheld computers more than phones do as they are equipped with cameras, video players and MP3 players among others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Global Revolution in Mobile specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More How 5G Compares with 4G/LTE With 5G, clients may be allowed to juggle between two different activities at the same time. This makes it possible for individuals who are interested in more than on e activity to comfortably switch from one activity to another. On the contrary, 4G/LTE networks do not have such a capability. According to the research findings 5G networks are capable of offering bandwidth capacities that are far much higher than those offered by 4G/LTE networks. In addition, 5G networks are able to effectively manage connections for numerous mobile phone devices. Whereas 4G/LTE networks make it possible for customers to access data while on the move, 5G networks delight users with fast speed connections that can be relied upon (Mundy 1). Despite the fact that 4G/LTE offers good speeds, they are not in any way comparable to the speeds offered by the 5G networks. Ostensibly, 5G networks are also associated with the reduced latency, a feature that is not available in 4G/LTE networks. Further, it is alleged that 5G networks will be able to reach places that are completely hidden and out of communication. Jain, Agrawal, and Awasthi (573) also talk about a number of di fferences between 5G and 4G wireless technologies. In their study, they established that unlike 4G/LTE, 5G provides dynamic information access as well as wearable devices that have artificial intelligence capabilities. While 4G/LTE has the capability to support data bandwidth in megabytes only, 5G wireless technology offers support for data bandwidth in gigabytes. While speeds provided by 4G/LTE are increased to keep up with data access demands used by various services, 5G technology provides a very high speed technology as well as efficient use of available bandwidth.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, 5G wireless technology includes large phone storage capacity and dialing speed. Our phones can also be connected to laptops in order to access efficient data services. With 5G wireless technology, bandwidth provided per frequency channel goes up to 28 gigahertz while this is only 100 megahertz for 4G/LTE networks. While concatenated codes are used to detect errors in 4G/LTE networks, the high quality service offered by 5G wireless networks is based on a policy designed to avoid error. Prospect Analysis of 5G Wireless Technology According to Kaplan (1), it is presumed that as 5G technologies continue to develop, mature users will be able to enjoy faster speeds and access to required services. Superior mobile devices with greater processing capability will, thus, be able to take advantage of the improved technology. Despite the fact that more bandwidth will be available for the use by everybody, it is only the smart mobile phones that will be able to take advantage of the benefits associated with the 5G technology. In the future, it is likely that a very powerful communications network will be built around the 5G network. In order to ensure that devices are always online, it presumed that the design of the mobile devices will incorporate a charging system. While a shift to 5G wireless technology is helpful, it is imperative for users to be aware of the fact that a number of hurdles will have to be overcome if the benefits are to be fully realized. Despite the fact that there are a number of spectrum bands that can potentially be used to meet the requirements of 5G wireless networks, there are efforts being made to provide higher frequency spectrums. In order to make use of a bandwidth that is higher than 6 gigahertz, operators will be expected to invest in new technologies to avoid disappointments. Conclusion In this paper, various issues about 5G wireless networks have been discussed. As pointed out in this paper, 5G wireless networks provide highl y advanced features that make it possible for users to enjoy excellent call and data services. In spite of the fact that several developments with regards to the advancement of 5G technology have been made over the years, a number of challenges have also been encountered along the way. One of the challenges has to do with the fact that investors are compelled to provide powerful infrastructure in order to meet the heavy demands of 5G technology. Regardless of the difficulties and high demands that are associated with the implementation and subsequent use of 5G wireless networks, the benefits that come accompany the investment service as a motivation for investors to go to any length to implement the technology and enjoy improved services. In the future, it is presumed that 5G wireless networks, will create a global wireless web that will be used to carry out all the kinds of transactions and improve the performance of e-commerce and other related services. As this trend continues, i t is very likely that 5G wireless technology will dominate the call and data services throughout the world. As earlier pointed out, users are currently able to use mobile phones with cameras and a huge amount of memory, and it is possible owing to the existence of 5G technology. Among other issues, the technology facilitates the connection of mobile phones to laptops for improved data access services. Today, we have mobile phones that resemble handheld devices as a result of 5G technology. Mobile phones are now able to offer numerous features and services to users that makes it possible to accomplish much more work than earlier. Works Cited Gregory, M. A. Explaining 5G Wireless Technology, 2015. Web. Jain, S., Agrawal, N. Awasthi, M. â€Å"5G – The Future of Mobile Wireless Communication Networks.†Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering, 3.5 (2013): 569 – 574. Print. Kaplan, K. Will 5G Bring New Dimensions to Our Wireless World? 2015. Web. Mundy, J. Wha t is 5G? 5G vs 4G and Future of Mobile Networks, 2014. Web. This essay on The Global Revolution in Mobile was written and submitted by user Leyla Ward to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Universality of Canadian Government essays
Universality of Canadian Government essays Should the government of Canada continue to support the universality of social services by increasing the proportion of salaries given to income tax? This question hits a very touchy spot for all Canadians because some agree that a higher portion of an individual's salary should go to income tax, so a better standard of living could be made by all Canadians, instead of just to the financially blessed class of society. They believe that by the Canadian government doing so, it would limit the greed in our society, and make for a better feel of equality. Then there are those Canadians' who believe government should not increase the proportion of their salaries given to income tax because they believe the government should help encourage Canadians to be more independent, instead of depending on the government for all of their basic needs and wants. They believe that when they go out and make their hard earned money, they should be able to keep it, instead of giving most of it away, so pe ople that sit at home all day, even though fully capable of getting a good job, have the same benefits as themselves. My position on this issue would have to be with the Canadians who don't believe in the government increasing the proportion of salaries to income tax. I believe every man for himself. What an individual earns, he deserves, because he worked hard for his pay. It's not that I don't agree with government intervention, I do, I just believe it should be trying to help its people become more independent, instead of 100% dependant on its government. For almost sixty years the Swedish economy was looked upon and admired for its high standard of living. Everything, you name it, they had it. They had a system called cradle-to-grave welfare system, and it promised almost everybody employment. Everybody was guaranteed a free post secondary education and the same went with health care and pension plans. People looking in on the country would be l ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Chemicals That Should Never Be Mixed
Chemicals That Should Never Be Mixed Some chemicals shouldnt be mixed together. In fact, these chemicals shouldnt even be stored near each other on the chance that an accident could occur and the chemicals could react. Be sure to keep incompatibilities in mind when reusing containers to store other chemicals. Here are some examples of mixtures to avoid: Acids with cyanide salts or cyanide solution. Generates highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas.Acids with sulfide salts or sulfide solutions. Generates highly toxic hydrogen sulfide gas.Acids with bleach. Generates highly toxic chlorine gas. An example of this would be mixing bleach and vinegar.Ammonia with bleach. Releases toxic chloramine vapors.Oxidizing acids (e.g., nitric acid, perchloric acid) with combustible materials (e.g., paper, alcohols, other common solvents). May result in a fire.​Solid oxidizers (e.g., permanganates, iodates, nitrates) with combustible materials (e.g., paper, alcohols, other common solvents). May result in a fire.Hydrides (e.g., sodium hydride) with water. May form flammable hydrogen gas.Phosphides (e.g., sodium phosphide) with water. May form highly toxic phosphine gas.Silver salts with ammonia in the presence of a strong base. May generate an explosively unstable solid.Alkali metals (e.g., sodium, potassium) with water. May form flammable hydrogen gas.Oxidizing agents (e.g., nitric acid) with reducing agents (e.g., hydrazine). May cause fires or explosions. Unsaturated compounds (e.g., substances containing carbonyls or double bonds) in the presence of acids or bases. May polymerize violently.Hydrogen peroxide/acetone mixtures when heated in the presence of an acid. May cause explosions.Hydrogen peroxide/acetic acid mixtures. May explode upon heating.Hydrogen peroxide/sulfuric acid mixtures. May spontaneously detonate. General Advice About Mixing Chemicals While it may seem like chemistry is a good science to learn through experimentation, its never a good idea to randomly mix together chemicals to see what youll get. Household chemicals arent any safer than lab chemicals. In particular, you should use care when dealing with cleaners and disinfectants, since these are common products that react with each other to yield nasty results. Its a good rule of thumb to avoid mixing bleach or peroxide with any other chemical, unless youre following a documented procedure, are wearing protective gear, and are working under a fume hood or outdoors. Note that many chemical mixtures produce toxic or flammable gases. Even in the home, its important to have a fire extinguisher handy and work with ventilation. Use caution performing any chemical reaction near an open flame or heat source. In the lab, avoid mixing chemicals near burners. At home, avoid mixing chemicals near burners, heaters, and open flames. This includes pilot lights for ovens, fireplaces, and water heaters. While its common to label chemicals and store them separately in a lab, its also good practice to do this in a home. For example, dont store muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) with peroxide. Avoid storing household bleach together with peroxide and acetone.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Justification Report Part 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Justification Report Part 2 - Assignment Example Miller Park construction in Milwaukee which failed to take the equipment efficiency guidelines of OSHA seriously exceeded its deadline by one full year. Their crane collapsed killing three workers on the spot. This caused them unnecessary law suit, loss of talent, labor issues and the construction cost exceeded enormously. Miller Park projects total budget was $413.9 million. This was 28.5% higher the estimated amount due to the one year delay. The crane repair costs and compensation accounted for $100 million. OSHA has reported four potentially dangerous accidents prior to the crane fatality. But the construction company ceased to lend ears to them causing this massive loss of money and man power. Paul Brown stadium was completed in 2.5 years. Its proposed completion budget was $453 million. The project was completed within the proposed amount on the given deadline without any casualties. Construction sites being highly vulnerable places to work, the project recorded a total of 92 minor accidents, 16 of which stalled work causing delays in the building construction. But, severe implementation of strict safety measures saved them nearly $4.6 million and loss of life. The worker compensation went into speeding up the work making up for the delays. OSHA states, implementing the safety measures strictly helped the project save nearly 58% of the money set aside to handle accidents and work place injury. A common debate arouse in this comparison as to why the Millers Park project was initially assigned very little amount for construction. While both the projects involved nearly the same features, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Inc. and Lampson International Ltd agreed to give only $322 million to the Danny’s construction company. This led to compensation in employee safety and use of age old equipments leading to massive losses. Hence, the US government fined Mitsubishi heavily than the other two companies ($240,500). This proves awareness and education
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Doing research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Doing - Research Paper Example A personal assessment of my skills and knowledge shows that even though I possess some level of competence to get the idea through, there remains a major aspect of my study that needs to be improved. This is because the need to go about this research and complete it according to the required objectives demand an interrelated level of skills and knowledge that are tied around a self empowered motivation to get an issue of concern, investigated to the latter. There will therefore be additional skills in interpersonal relation, communication skills, as well as data collection and handling skills to ensure that the project is carried out to its logical conclusion. I also need to revamp my knowledge in marine safety in general and boat yard safety in specific. Without an overall understanding of marine safety and boat yard safety to be specific, working on this research area will be like treating stomach ache by placing a plaster on the tummy. This is because the core or depth of the problem will not be reached. Most times, people working in the marine area have been identified to have their own peculiarities and depths of issues that affect and undermine their safety, security and general wellbeing. It is only when a researcher has an adequate level of knowledge on these that the best forms of interventions can be identified for them. As part of finding out about boat yard safety, specific aspects of learning such as causes of risk, risk factors, effects of risk, and solutions to marine risks must all be considered. The original idea of the research shall be changed significantly in this new project. It would be noted that the original idea laid emphasis on employee and employer forum. As far as the original ideas are concerned, there is one major deficiency that may hinder its feasibility. This is the absence of prove of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Interpersonal, Group and Collective Behavior Dynamics Essay Example for Free
Interpersonal, Group and Collective Behavior Dynamics Essay Enron is a company that is faced with financial instability but continues to run on dubious dealings including misrepresenting their true financial position (Cohan, 2002). This is done to save the public image of the company hence avoiding the risk of losing investors. American International Group (AIG) is also in a serious financial crisis following cases of mismanagement (FRB, 2009). We shall make a comparison of the group dynamics and internal politics within these two companies. The companies exhibited an element of information blockage. This is holding back adverse news from the public until the last possible moment. This is usually a deliberate act with the aim of maintaining a good public image. It is however followed by lawsuits, hate mails or even death threats from unhappy investors. In Enron’s case, the senior executives withheld any information about financial crisis from the public until it collapsed (Cohan, 2002). AIG maintained a ‘business as usual’ image in the public despite its liquidity issues (FRB, 2009). Motivation to lie or deliberately concealing the truth in an organization was evident in the two companies. The corporate officers do not disclose the truth especially when this truth may put the company into bankruptcy or cost them their jobs. In the case of Enron the lies were inform of hard data, lying about accounting results and a stream of earnings (Williamson, 1970). Questionable accounting practices were meant to hide huge losses that the company suffered. AIG had its share of deliberate lies when it valued its A-A and sub prime property at 1. 7; twice the value used by Lehman. The issue of the board’s oversight function and the business judgment rule is also fairly evident in the two companies he board of directors act as if they are entitled to rely on the honesty and integrity of their subordinates until something wrong happens (Crag Rebecca, 1996) . The directors of Enron were totally unaware of the severity of the company’s financial crisis until its collapse. A directors were too ignorant of the liquidity problem to the extend of planning for a lavish retreat for themselves. The subordinate managers have persuasive interest in concealing the bad news. This is meant to avoid or delay personal embarrassment and other associated risks such as the likelihood of a price drop in its shares. In Enron, individual executives who decided to hide the dubious partnership feared erosion of status (Cohan, 2002). They felt that they needed to protect both their self and external image. The same case was evident in AIG, where the subordinate managers saw the need for over costing their assets to redeem their image. Overconfidence and optimism is displayed in the two companies by the senior executives especially in press releases. Overconfidence creates a strong image for any company in the eyes of the public. Executives who are overconfident and optimistic are considered to be successful managers. This is because they are able to persuade and influence people even in the face of a crisis. The executives in Enron and AIG were also in the bid of making a name for themselves. Senior executives assured employees would continuously rise even in the event of financial instability in Enron. The chief executive officer in AIG assured investors that they would still get their bonuses even as the company was being bailed out (FRB, 2009). Corporate ‘culture’ cannot be ruled out in the management of the two companies. This refers to the norms of the company which are well known to the management and the subordinate employees. They supersede other business or ethical laws in case of a conflict. Cynism as a corporate culture fosters the breaking of rules as a means to succeed. Ethical rules are under enforced with the focus being to maximize profits. The Enron and AIG were caught up in this culture when they faced a financial crisis. They misrepresented their debts and assets respectively in the company’s sheet so as to reflect high profits and attract investors (Cohan, 2002). All this is done in total disregard for accounting ethics. Myopic information within the organization is also prevalent in the two companies. This might be due to our limited cognitive capabilities but more so because the executives are too busy to deal with abundant data. They prefer sifting this data and extracting only what is relevant. They may also be lacking the skill to analyze and understand the data as was the case of Enron’s former chairman Mr. Kenneth Lay. The directors in AIG and Enron, focused on information that confirmed their prior attitudes of leading institutions in the market. They disregarded any disconfirming information of possible collapse or liquidity issues. This is normally referred to as cognitive dissonance. It is usually difficult to change these beliefs as one is seen as a threat to the company’s status quo. Ms. Watkins, an employee in Enron became such a threat by warning a senior manager of a possible collapse (Cohan, 2002). A chief executive officer’s proposal in AIG was ignored on the same basis (FRB, 2009). Intimidation of subordinate employees by the senior employees is prevalent in Enron but not in AIG. In Enron, investigations against Mr. Andrew a former chief financial officer and other senior officers who were involved in fraud cases did not happen since no one was confident enough to confront them (Cohan, 2002). In AIG the accounting scandal is thoroughly investigated and no one is spared including a former chairman of the board. REFERENCES: Federal Reserve Bank. (2009). History and development of AIG. Retrieved May 26,2009, from http://www. federalbank. orf/history/development. pdf Herbert, A. S. (1955). A behavioral model of rational choice. John, A. C. (2002). †I didn’t know†and â€Å"I was only doing my job†. Has corporate governance careened out of control? A case study of Enron’s information myopia. Journal of Business Ethics, 40 (3),275-299. Paul Z. Janet A. (1997). The social influence of confidence in group decision making.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Affect of Child Labor on the World Essay -- Essays Papers
The Affect of Child Labor on the World Introduction Child labor is a very hot topic in today’s world. The problems associated with child labor have always been a part of life but thanks to Globalization, everyone is now more aware of the child labor issues that exist. Whether an individual is in favor or against child labor the fact is that child labor affects everyone, because child labor affects the global economy. Children who work play a big role in the economy because they produce goods and are paid wages just like adults; they are an active participant of the work force. Child Labor Issues It is estimated that more than 200 million children across the globe between the ages of 5-17 work instead of going to school. And of these, 171 million work in hazardous conditions. Even though child labor was widespread during the eighteenth century it was not until the industrial revolution that society began to realize the seriousness of abuses on children that worked. In the past children generally worked alongside their families to help the family survive, but those conditions were not as severe as when children began working more than ten-hour days in factories and in adverse conditions like those seen during the industrial revolution. There are many other factors that cause child labor such as poverty, social values and cultural circumstances but they tend to be complex to understand. It can be said that child labor is more widely seen in developing and third world countries than that of developed. This is due in part to the poverty that the majority of these people liv e in, and then children are forced to work to help support the family. Asia has the highest number of children below the age of 15 that work wi... ...y with child labor. Conclusion Forturnatly, many organizations and individuals feel very strongly about protecting children and are trying to develop solutions to many of the problems associated with child labor and also to help protect the rights of children in the work place and in general. The International Labor Organization is an agency that is trying to develop a strategy to help prevent children form loosing their childhood and education by being forced to work. Other agencies such as UNICEF are protection agencies that advocate the protection of children’s rights. References Basu, Kaushik. Sep, 1999. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 37 No.3. American Economic Association. Children’s Rights. Oct. 2004 Children in the Global Economy. Oct. 2004
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Air Transat Analysis Essay
Introduction: Air Transat is a Canadian airline based in Montreal, Quebec. It was founded in 1987, and is owned by Transat A.T. Inc. According to Air Transat’s website, their mission statement is: â€Å"Air Transat is Canada’s leading holiday travel airline. Every year, it carries some 3 million passengers to nearly 60 destinations in 25 countries aboard its fleet of Airbus wide-body jets. The company employs approximately 2,000 people. Air Transat is a business unit of Transat A.T. Inc., an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. Air Transat was named World’s Best Leisure Airline at the Skytrax annual World Airline Awards, held in July 2012.†â€Å"Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, destination services and distribution. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A)†Air Transat presents its products and services by stating that is a leading holiday travel airline that is owned and operated by Transat A.T. Inc. The types of customers served are international passengers within the 60 destinations that they operate in. Air Transat geographically covers 60 destinations in 25 countries. One of the ways Air Transat is distinguished from its competitors within the industry is by being give the world’s Best Leisure Airline two years ago in July 2012. Nothing has been mentioned about customer needs in their mission statement as well as they type of customers they are targeting. We could assume that Air Transat is seeking holiday-oriented customer rather than business oriented customers for example. This mission statement shows no insight on how the firm will continue to compete with its competitors. According to Air Transat’s website, their vision statement is: â€Å"At Transat, we recognize the prime importance of the environment, host communities, cultural diversity, and our relationships with our employees, customers and partners. At Air Transat too†¦ Then, Air Transat is committed to reducing its ecological footprint, and has adopted an environmental policy.†This vision statement does not focus on the future they see in their vision with host communities, diversity, employees, customers, and partners. However, it focuses on the environment. It has done that by creating an environmental policy, which is committed to doing the following according to Air Transat’s website: 1. Complying with all applicable municipal, provincial, federal, and international legal requirements, exceeding compliance wherever practical and possible. 2. Certifying our environmental systems and performance to the highest standards, such as ISO14001, IENVa, LEED, ICI ON RECYCLE and Fly-360-Green. 3. Conserving natural resources, such as energy and water, and preventing pollution in our operations, buildings, and supply chains through source reduction, re-use, recycling and control. 4. Continuously improving our environmental performance by setting and reviewing objectives and targets, and by training and involving our employees and stakeholders whose activities have a significant environmental impact. 5. Collaborating with all of our key stakeholders (employees, suppliers, communities, governments and industry groups) regarding environmental, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility initiatives and issues. Surprisingly, I did not find a strategic objectives statement on Air Transat’s website. There were no statements regarding how they will put their mission statement into action, or how their goals will be achieved. However, there is a page that lists and summarizes all Air Transat’s awards, rewards, and recognition. PEST analysis: The definition of PEST analysis according to is: â€Å"A type of situation analysis in which political-legal (government stability, spending, taxation), economic (inflation, interest rates, unemployment), socio-cultural (demographics, education, income distribution), and technological (knowledge generation, conversion of discoveries into products, rates of obsolescence) factors are examined to chart an organization’s long-term plans.†POLITICAL ECONOMIC SOCIO-CULTURAL TECHNOLOGICAL Fuel taxation, and landing taxation Fear of terrorist attacks after 9/11. New European union regulations have led to higher levels of competition on European routes. Increase in the price of oil Increase in transportation costs Increase in disposable income due to rise in incomes and lower interest rates (people have more money to spend on leisure trips) Change in consumer behavior resulting from the aging population in Canada may affect the number of leisure trips taken Increased popularity in travelling abroad – Carbon dioxide emission – Emirates airlines launching double decker aircrafts (A380), serving 25 destinations – Wireless internet being launched in aircrafts – Frequent flyer programs The increase in the price of oil and the rate at which it is increasing is a global issue. For Air Transat, this means an increase in cost and expenditure. Since oil is essential in this industry, there is not much that Air Transat can do. The increase in the price of oil could cause force Air Transat to increase their prices for flight tickets. In more extreme cases, Air Transat may not be able to increase the prices for certain routes, and be forced to terminate their services to these routes. Air Transat could benefit from the change in consumer behavior resulting from the aging population in Canada by targeting the elderly population through advertising and promotions. For example, they could offer retirement packages, and certain promotions for specific destinations or at specific seasons of the year. Air Transat would need to conduct extensive market research about this matter to take into consideration that most retired people are on a fixed income or might not be healthy enough to fly etc. With the increased use of technology, wireless Internet is not only important for business traveler but also for leisure travelers. Even though it is not that common for aircrafts to offer wireless Internet during their flight, it being launched. Air Transat should consider offering this service, as it might be an attractive feature for many travelers. Porter’s Five Forces: According to, the definition of Porter’s Five forces is: â€Å"Named after Michael E. Porter, this model identifies and analyzes 5 competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determine an industry’s weaknesses and strengths. 1. Competition in the industry 2. Potential of new entrants into industry 3. Power of suppliers 4. Power of customers 5. Threat of substitute products†The threat of new entry into the airline industry is very weak due to a few factors including very large capital required, major airports are highly congested, slow growth rates and with many reputable airlines already, brand loyalty may not be easy to establish due to the competition. This force is likely to remain weak. Competitive Rivalry is ranked as high because there are a high number of airlines operating both domestically and internationally with very competitive prices that Air Transat will need to constantly try to match. The fixed cost is very high such as the cost of oil, which cannot be controlled to a great extent. There is also a low product differentiation meaning that even though Air Transat is a leisure airline, there are still many other airlines that offer service to the same destinations at similar prices. Most airlines offer some type of frequent flyer program, which causes passengers who are members of these programs to be loyal to their airlines. This force could become even higher due to the increased competition. Bargaining power of suppliers is Moderate. Airlines are usually in a long-term contract with airline manufacturers, which also limit drastic increases in prices during that contract but because there are only two airline manufacturers; Boeing, and Airbus. They have a lot of power to make changes that Air Transat would be bound to accept. Labor my also be an issue because positions such as pilots, aerospace engineers, managers, and marketers may require high salaries and may not be easily found in the market. However, the salaries for labor in the airline industry are standardized over similar airlines. This force is likely to stay the same. Bargaining power of buyers is weak. Individual flyers, travel agencies, and online portals can all easily switch to different airlines due to low switching costs. However, the pool of customers is very large ranging from individual customers to large organizations. This force is likely to become weaker over time. Threat of substitutes is moderate within the airline industry because there are numerous airlines that offer service to the same destinations as Air Transat with similar prices, which does not limit the chance of customers switching to different airlines. However, that kind of standardization over the industry does not make other airlines more attractive than Air Transat. Threat of substitutes outside the industry is low because many destinations cannot be reached in a timely manner without flying, specially international ones. Flying is faster and safer than road, rail, or marine. I believe this force will become weaker over time. New Opportunities: Since Air Transat is well established in Canada, they have the chance to grow internationally beyond Europe. They can also take advantage of the current growth in the aging population in Canada by targeting that market and researching different ways to attract older customers. They could create a frequent flyer program specially designed for seniors. With Air Transat’s sold reputation, they could also have contracts with European organizations to provide them services. Air Transat could take advantages of the new developments in technology by providing wireless internet on their aircrafts and also by launching a new type of aircraft for European destinations such as the double decker plane that Emirates airlines launched. Threats: The main threat is the price of oil increasing is the highest cost for airlines now. A sudden spike in the price of oil could have negative impacts on Air Transat causing it to terminate service to one of their 60 destinations. There are other threats such as safety concerns due to the fear of terrorist attack, changes in government regulations and environmental issues. The airline/aviation industry overall is a great industry to be in for existing airlines, but a very hard one to get into for new airlines. Air Transat has a lot of potential to grow in the European market, and even farther. Citations: Air Transat Environmental Policy. In Resp.Transat. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Emirates A30 News & Events. In Emirates. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from External environment theory. In Business case studies. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Pest Analysis. In Business dictionary. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Porter’s 5 Forces. In Investopedia. Retrieved Febuary 8, 2014, from Porter’s Five Forces. In Mind tools. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from Porter’s Five Forces. In Sites google. Retrieved Febuary 8, 2014, from Profile. In Air Transat. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Neonatal Nursing
Nursery/Neonatal Nurse Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursery Nursing A Nursery Nurse is a nurse who provides medical care for newborns and infants. Although they usually work in hospital nurseries, some work in outpatient care centers or private residences, providing in-home care for sick infants. Nursery nurses can also be categorized as neonatal (newborn) or pediatric nurses, depending on the age group they serve.Nursery Nurses may have a different title but perform many of the same duties as RNs and LPNs, including: administering treatments, medications, tests, and procedures, assisting physicians, creating or updating patient care plans, maintaining patient records and other duties but this all depends on the nursery level in which they work. I would like to be a nursery/neonatal nurse because I love working with newborns, I want to be challenged in my career, and I want to have a rewarding/successful profession. I would love to become a Nursery/neonatal nurse.I love newborns, t hey are little bundles of joy and I can be trusted to care for them. It’s not an easy job as some people would think. Not all babies come out â€Å"healthy†some are born with defects and need special care and that’s where we come in. Before this class I just knew I wanted to be a nurse but I was lost with finding which nursing role was for me. I went through six different nurse titles and I believe this one suits me the best. Now that I know what kind of nurse I want to be I can make sure I’m taking all the right classes and working harder to become a nursery nurse.Becoming a Nursery Nurse takes training, experience and education. You would need working knowledge of health and safety, good communication skills, ability to work with a team, NNEB, CACHE level 3, NVQ level 2/3 or equivalent, previous experience working within a similar environment and a little bit more. You have to ask yourself am I physical, emotional and spiritual prepared to care for chi ldren, can I distract them during unpleasant procedures. I have asked myself these questions and I am ready to care for others children.As I have said before this role is not easy and it will challenge me to become a great Nursery Nurse to take great care of newborns. More advanced roles will usually require additional training and/or experience. There is an organization called NHS employing organizations that may provide support to nursery assistants and nursery nurses, working towards relevant qualifications. Becoming a Nursery Nurse is rewarding because considering that newborns don’t talk, their non-verbal signs need to be decoded by nursing professionals. To me this is an important skill because if we don’t know what the babies need we can’t take care of them.They can identify and interpret signs babies display, because of alterations in their health, and proper care can be delivered and shared with family members. Understanding of the child's pain or other behaviors can be transmitted to the family members. I can imagine how these nurses feel knowing that they’re making the babies healthy and happy. Nursery nursing care is an interactional process of three channels: it involves interactions between the professional/newborn and professional/newborn and family (Pinheiro EM, Siiva MJP, Angelo A, Ribeiro CA). Although the work is non-stop according to payscale. om (2010) â€Å"the average salary with an advanced degree is $80,000†. It couldn’t get any better when you love going to work every day and getting paid a good amount of money while doing it. Nursing is a great career to invest in if you love helping people. I love helping people but I would prefer to work with babies because they are helpless and need people like me who are dedicated to only them. I will stay in school and get the best education I can to advance in my career. I feel this profession will fulfill my dreams and I will have a rewarding career.Re ferences Caleeda (2007). Nursery nurse. From http://www. caleeda. co. uk/page24/page32/page32. html Crown copyright. NURSERY NURSE AND NURSERY ASISTANT. (2006) http://www. nhscareers. nhs. uk/explore-by-career/wider-healthcare-team/careers-in-the-wider-healthcare-team/corporate-services/nursery-nursenursery-assistant/ Pinheiro, E. , Silva, M. , Angelo, M. , ; Ribeiro, C. (2008). The meaning of interaction between nursing professionals and newborns/families in a hospital setting. Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem (RLAE), 16(6), 1012-1018. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Heap vs. Stack for Delphi Developers
Heap vs. Stack for Delphi Developers Call the function DoStackOverflow once from your code and youll get the EStackOverflow error raised by Delphi with the message stack overflow. ​function DoStackOverflow : integer;begin result : 1 DoStackOverflow;end; What is this stack and why there is an overflow there using the code above? So, the DoStackOverflow function is recursively calling itself without an exit strategy it just keeps on spinning and never exits. A quick fix, you would do, is to clear the obvious bug you have, and ensure the function exists at some point (so your code can continue executing from where you have called the function). You move on, and you never look back, not caring about the bug/exception as it is now solved. Yet, the question remains: what is this stack and why is there an overflow? Memory in Your Delphi Applications When you start programming in Delphi, you might experience bug like the one above, you would solve it and move on. This one is related to memory allocation. Most of the time you would not care about memory allocation as long as you free what you create. As you gain more experience in Delphi, you start creating your own classes, instantiate them, care about memory management and alike. You will get to the point where you will read, in the Help, something like Local variables (declared within procedures and functions) reside in an applications stack. and also Classes are reference types, so they are not copied on assignment, they are passed by reference, and they are allocated on the heap. So, what is stack and what is heap? Stack vs. Heap Running your application on Windows, there are three areas in the memory where your application stores data: global memory, heap, and stack. Global variables (their values/data) are stored in the global memory. The memory for global variables is reserved by your application when the program starts and remains allocated until your program terminates. The memory for global variables is called data segment. Since global memory is only once allocated and freed at program termination, we do not care about it in this article. Stack and heap are where dynamic memory allocation takes place: when you create a variable for a function, when you create an instance of a class when you send parameters to a function and use/pass its result value. What Is Stack? When you declare a variable inside a function, the memory required to hold the variable is allocated from the stack. You simply write var x: integer, use x in your function, and when the function exits, you do not care about memory allocation nor freeing. When the variable goes out of scope (code exits the function), the memory which was taken on the stack is freed. The stack memory is allocated dynamically using the LIFO (last in first out) approach. In Delphi programs, stack memory is used by Local routine (method, procedure, function) variables.Routine parameters and return types.Windows API function calls.Records (this is why you do not have to explicitly create an instance of a record type). You do not have to explicitly free the memory on the stack, as the memory is auto-magically allocated for you when you, for example, declare a local variable to a function. When the function exits (sometimes even before due to Delphi compiler optimization) the memory for the variable will be auto-magically freed. Stack memory size is, by default, large enough for your (as complex as they are) Delphi programs. The Maximum Stack Size and Minimum Stack Size values on the Linker options for your project specify default values in 99.99% you would not need to alter this. Think of a stack as a pile of memory blocks. When you declare/use a local variable, Delphi memory manager will pick the block from the top, use it, and when no longer needed it will be returned back to the stack. Having local variable memory used from the stack, local variables are not initialized when declared. Declare a variable var x: integer in some function and just try reading the value when you enter the function x will have some weird non-zero value. So, always initialize (or set value) to your local variables before you read their value. Due to LIFO, stack (memory allocation) operations are fast as only a few operations (push, pop) are required to manage a stack. What Is Heap? A heap is a region of memory in which dynamically allocated memory is stored. When you create an instance of a class, the memory is allocated from the heap. In Delphi programs, heap memory is used by/when Creating an instance of a class.Creating and resizing dynamic arrays.Explicitly allocating memory using GetMem, FreeMem, New and Dispose().Using ANSI/wide/Unicode strings, variants, interfaces (managed automatically by Delphi). Heap memory has no nice layout where there would be some order is allocating blocks of memory. Heap looks like a can of marbles. Memory allocation from the heap is random, a block from here than a block from there. Thus, heap operations are a bit slower than those on the stack. When you ask for a new memory block (i.e. create an instance of a class), Delphi memory manager will handle this for you: youll get a new memory block or a used and discarded one. The heap consists of all virtual memory (RAM and disk space). Manually Allocating Memory Now that all about memory is clear, you can safely (in most cases) ignore the above and simply continue writing Delphi programs as you did yesterday. Of course, you should be aware of when and how to manually allocate/free memory. The EStackOverflow (from the beginning of the article) was raised because with each call to DoStackOverflow a new segment of memory has been used from the stack and stack has limitations. As simple as that.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Review of Maria Full of Grace
Review of Maria Full of Grace Maria Full of Grace (Marà a, llena eres de gracia in Spanish-language markets) is a 2004 HBO Films release about a 17-year-old Colombian girl who becomes a drug mule, transporting drugs to the United States in her digestive system. The film was released in the United States in Spanish with English subtitles. Review of Maria Full of Grace Drug mules, those people who transport illicit drugs to the United States in the most dangerous way possible, are often portrayed as unsavory characters. Marà a Alvarez, the drug mule portrayed in Maria Full of Grace, doesnt fit the stereotype and may be more typical. She is a young resident of Colombia, working hard for not very much money, who sees a quick way of picking up some much-needed cash. Catalina Sandino Moreno, who portrays Marà a, does as much as any actor could to help us understand what its like to be a drug mule. She appears in nearly every frame of this film, and even though this was her first film, the native Colombian, born in Bogot, received a much-deserved Academy Award nomination as best actress for her role. As the story develops, Marà a is sometimes scared, sometimes naive, sometimes street-wise, sometimes confident, sometimes merely faking it. Sandino takes on all those emotions with seeming ease. What is interesting about Joshua Marstons writing and direction of this film is that it always avoids the cheap shots and the sensationalism that would be so easy in a film of this type. Much of the film is underplayed. It would have been easy to fill this film with fright scenes and gratuitous violence. Instead, Marston lets us see life as it is lived by the characters. Just as Marà a is, we are forced to imagine some of the off-screen violence, and in the end, the reality is much more frightening. Marston and/or HBO made the right choice in filming the movie in Spanish; in English, the film may have been more commercially successful, but it would have lost much of its realism and therefore its impact. Instead, Maria Full of Grace was one of the best films of 2004. Content Advisory As would be expected, Maria Full of Grace includes various dont-try-this-at-home scenes of drug ingestion. Despite moments of high tension, there is little on-screen violence, although there is off-screen violence that could be upsetting to some. There is no nudity, although there are references to premarital sex. Vulgar and/or offensive language is used on occasion. The film would probably be appropriate for most adults and older teens. Linguistic Note Even if youre fairly new to Spanish, you may notice something unusual about the dialogue in this film: Even when speaking to close friends and family members, the characters dont use tà º, the familiar form of you, as would be expected. Instead, they use the more formal usted. Such use of usted is one of the distinctive characteristics of Colombian Spanish. The few times you do hear tà º used in this film, it comes across as a put-down of sorts.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fast food nation book by Eric Schlosser Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fast food nation book by Eric Schlosser - Essay Example Yes, Mr. Schlosser you have proved it right. Pen is indeed mightier than the sword that the McDonald uses to slaughter the animals. America, wake up! A society that treats millionaires and billionaires only as part of their culture has no future. American courts will have a tough time in doing some real interpretations as to what food is good for the citizens of America. In the name of free economy, the powerful ones cannot hold the population of the country to ransom as for their eating habits. Agreed, the working mothers have no time to cook food at home; but that doesn’t mean they will watch silently when poison is fed to their children in the guise of fast foods. When the mothers wake up, McDonalds will feel sorry for their expansion plans and closure of the branches will be at double the speed of the inaugural tempo. The vigorous churning process is on, on all the above issues as a result of the publication of â€Å"Fast Food Nation†, by Eric Schlosser. He is the c ause of many a sleepless nights to the management of McDonalds! An inquiry commission perhaps cannot do better than the comprehensive ‘report’ that Eric has produced in the form of a book, â€Å"Fast Food Nation.†He has dealt with every conceivable issue social, cultural, political etc. that affects not only America, but the people of the countries all over the world. Eric makes his objectives of writing the book clear. He writes, â€Å"This is a book about fast food, the values it embodies, and the world it has made†¦.I am interested in it both as a commodity and as a metaphor. What people eat (or don’t eat) has always been determined by a complex interplay of social, economic and technological forces†. (3) The industry’s drive for expansion, consolidation, uniformity and speed has transformed the lifestyles of American people. The changes are unfortunately not for the better. What a revolution cannot
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Discussion question week 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Discussion question week 5 - Essay Example s in formal social control like engaging in criminal activities like stealing and killing leads to formal prosecution or punishment by the concerned social authority. On the other hand, failure to comply with the informal social control system often leads to subtle punishments such as mockery, gossip, and even being ignored (Innes 43). An example is discouraging an obese friend from eating too much food on the condition that if he does he or she will be mocked. Deterrence is the act of preventing a certain behavior or act from repeatedly happening. General deterrence is the impact of the threat of legal punishment on the public at large while specific deterrence refers to the impact of the actual legal punishment on the apprehended people (Akers 19). While specific deterrence focuses on an individual in question and aims at discouraging them from future criminal activity by instilling an understanding of the consequences, general deterrence focuses on the general crimes prevention mechanisms with reference to specific social deviances (Akers 20). For instance, violating traffic laws that influence driving behaviors leads to the apprehension with respect to general deterrence while specific deterrence results from actual experience of apprehension and prosecution of the offender. However, both types of deterrence are ways of instilling order in the society as they ensure that people abide by the set rules and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The family is thriving, both as institution and ideology. OR Essay
The family is thriving, both as institution and ideology. OR Motherhood is a social construction which fulfils women around the world - Essay Example Furthermore, motherhood, for the purposes of this discussion, is to encompass the fundamental activities of childbearing and childrearing. Thus, this inquiry will deal not on motherhood as a personal experience, but as social phenomenon that applies to women in general, in seeking to thresh out the issues that have ruled in the debate. From as far back as history can remember, motherhood has been traditionally regarded as the primary, one may say overriding, role of women. From the farmer’s wife to the royal spouse, marriage between a man and a woman has always been presumed to serve the purpose of pro-creation. There has generally been no long-standing quarrel on the matter, until the sixties when the feminist movement took impetus and forwarded the thesis that family and motherhood are at the core of women’s oppression by a predominantly male world. The social presumption that women were meant to bear children appeared to shift at about the sixties. In Australia, demographics show that after the post-World War II baby boom, a decline in births signified that young women delayed the start of their childbearing, while older women ended theirs sooner. Australian women took to the new contraceptive pill, at a rate that amounted to the world’s highest per capita use. The following diagram, shows the total fertility rate of Australia between the years 1924-1994. (Gilding, 1997 p. 206) In general, feminist critiques of family policy highlighted weaknesses in the â€Å"white nuclear heterosexual family†(Dominelli, 1991). Some feminist ideas were born of oppressive treatment of women under a male-dominated society (Johnson, 1980). The feminist position encompassed two streams – the first, radical, stream posited that women’s biological make-up was the source of their oppression; and the second, liberal, stream questioned the acceptance of male values and achievements as the standard by which women were
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)
Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Modern biomedicine advances have impelled the demand of sensitive, accurate and fast analytical techniques for biodetection and biodiagnosis. Many tools ranging from fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry or immunoassays have been used to resolve analytical problems related with health. Although these techniques are well established, several drawbacks still limit their fully applicability, e.g. prior sample preparation, time consumption or relatively low detection limits[1]. Recent developments in laser technology and nanoscience have converted surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) as one of the techniques with highest analytical potential. The SERS effect is associated to the intense electromagnetic field enhancements provided, upon light excitation, by localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) at the surface of a plasmonic metal with features in the nanoscale range [2]. The Raman signal of the molecules in close vicinity to the metal substrate is enormously intensifie d, allowing sensing applications down to single-molecule [3]. Since its initial discovery, almost 40 years ago, the field of SERS spectroscopy has experienced an exponential growth, renewing the interest within the scientific community[4]. Among numerous potential applications, SERS has emerged as an ultrasensitive tool for detection and identification of biomolecules, such as DNA. [1, 5]. However, although a wide range of indirect SERS-based DNA approaches have been developed (mostly relying on the mediated capture of the target DNA and the use of extrinsic SERS reporters), the direct SERS spectral analysis of unmodified DNA still remains scarcely used, despite the fact that it provides specific, selective and complete vibrational information. The major limitation has been so far the lack of spectral reproducibility at low DNA concentrations. The investigation of the native structure of DNA (especially double-stranded DNA) based on its affinity towards gold/silver substrates was ma inly hindered by the phosphate backbone of DNA, since it is negatively charged at physiological pH. Recently, the spectral reproducibility issue have been addressed by different scientific groups based on the interaction of DNA with negatively charged nanoparticles, which have renewed the interest indirect SERS-based strategies of detection of DNA.[6-9] On the other hand, Alvarez-Puebla and co-workers developed a successful alternative strategy based on the use of positively-charged silver colloids coated with spermine molecules ([emailprotected]).[10, 11] DNA is the carrier of all genetic information in living organisms. Although it is a stable macromolecule, can be subjected to changes such as mutations derived from evolution, genetic diseases or genomic aberrations which can lead to cancer.[12] Apart from the known four canonical bases contained in DNA and RNA, a variety of modified nucleobases play a major role in gene regulation.[13] In higher organisms, epigenetic information for gen regulation is needed in order to determine their functions and properties. 5-methylcytosine is the most investigated modification in mammalian genomic DNA. However, many cytosine variants in DNA regulartory network such 5-formylcytosine, 5-carboxylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine have been recently identified. In fact, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is produced in mammalian tissues and depleted in human cancer cells.[14] These discoveries have suggested that new nucleotide variants possess epigenetic functions for gen regulation that have been underesti mated. In addition to epigenetic modifications, an ample variety of nucleobase lesions (such as alkylation, oxidation, deamination, and cross-linking) can take place as a result of carcinogen attacks to DNA.[15, 16] In some cases, carcinogens are inherently reactive toward DNA while others require to be firstly metabolically activated to electrophilic intermediates such as phagocyte-generated reactive oxygen, nitrogen and halogen species.[17-19] Anyhow, all these DNA lesions are mutagenic or cytotoxic and, if not properly repaired by the corresponding enzymatic systems, may induce base mispairing during DNA replication.[16] Accumulation of such mutations in genes controlling cell growth, proliferation, programmed cell death, and cell differentiation is likely to cause cancer.[20, 21] Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are possibly the main class of DNA damaging agents, which generates a wide set of different oxidative lesions [22] such as those produced by the direct attack of the highly reactiv e hydroxyl radical (†¢OH) to the nucleobase double bonds. On the other hand, inflammation-induced formation of 5-halocytosines adducts (5-chlorocytosine and 5-bromocytosine), have been identified in DNA from human tissues.[23-27] Importantly, 5-halocytosines could act as fraudulent epigenetic signals, in part explaining the link between chronic inflammation and cancer.[28-33] Due to the recent discoveries of new nucleotide variants with epigenetic functions, an intense research has been directed toward the development of novel methods to detect, profile, and sequence these base modifications in the genome and transcriptome.[34] These strategies span from pure detection and quantification methods (thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis,[35] antibody-based detection,[36, 37] 32P-postlabelling[15] and liquid chromatography (LC)-mass spectrometry (MS)[38]) to genome-wide profiling methods and single-base-resolution sequencing methods.[39] A relatively new field in this exciting area is the screening of DNA samples for unknown or unanticipated lesions, which is referred to as â€Å"adductomics†.[40] Nowadays, this sort of analysis is primarily performed with liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution/accurate mass spectrometry (LC−MSn).[15, 40] This technique relies on the fragmentation of protonated modified nucleobases which are then d ifferentiated according to their molecular mass.[15, 40] However, DNA adduct analysis by mass spectrometry is costly and time-consuming since it requires a prior sample preparation which normally involves several standard steps, such as DNA hydrolysis into the corresponding monomers, enrichment of the DNA adducts, removal of unmodified nucleobases and addition of an appropriate internal standard.[40] Extreme caution must be paid to avoid artificial generation of DNA lesions during these processing steps. This research project aims the direct SERS detection of four different cytosine variants in single-stranded DNA sequences, by means of [emailprotected] colloids. 5-methylcytosine (mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (hmC) were investigated due to their epigenetic importance in mammalian DNA. 5-bromocytosine (BrC) and 5-hydroxycytosine (hC) were studied as a representative modification involved in DNA damage. Transition from Raman to SERS The Raman phenomenon is related to the process where inelastic scattered photons are simultaneously emitted upon monochromatic light interaction with a specific molecule (Figure 1a). During the scattering process, a large majority of the photons are scattered at the same incident energy (Raighley scattering), whereas a small part of photons either gain or loose energy (anti-Stokes and Stokes Raman scattering respectively).[41] The resulting Raman spectral bands correspond to vibrational and rotational transitions which are specific to each molecular system providing a vibrational â€Å"fingerprint†. Raman scattering is a weak phenomenon since nearly 1 in 106 1010photons are inelastically scattered[42]. In most of the Raman studies the fraction of the spectrum involving anti-Stokes bands is usually ignored due to the weakness of the bands (Figure 1b). Although the invention of the laser in 1960s implied great improvements in Raman spectroscopy, the lack of sensitivity was stil l a sever limitation. In 1974, Fleischmann et al.[43] observed for the first time an unexpected dramatic enhancement of the Raman signal from pyridine in presence of rough silver electrodes. Later in 1977, a series of independent reports of Jeanmaire et al.[44], and Albrecht et al.[45] explained the origin of such enhancement, which renewed the interest in Raman techniques and paved the way to Surface Enhanced Raman scattering. There are two widely accepted theories that explain the origin of SERS enhancement compared to Raman scattering (Figure 1c): the electromagnetic enhancement (EM) and the chemical enhancement (CE). The EM is considered to be the major contribution of the enhancement and is highly influenced by the characteristics of the metal (composition, shape, size). This EM effect arises upon light interaction with a noble metal surface, generating collective oscillations of conduction electrons named as surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). The coupling of these LSPRs with the emission of the analyte adsorbed or in close vicinity to the metal surface is responsible for the scattering intensification, which can reach values up to 1010-1011 [41]. In particular, large local electromagnetic fields are observed at the inter-particle junctions (known as â€Å"hot spots†) of noble metal nanoparticles which are in close proximity (mostly Ag and Au). Among others, the EM enhancement drastically decre ases as the distance between the analyte and the metal surface increases [42] which explains the requirement of close proximity between the nanostructured surface and the target molecule. The CE contribution to the SERS signal enhancement is usually weaker and, differently to the EM mechanism, is molecule-specific. In fact, when the analyte adsorbs onto the metallic substrate, a new surface-complex is formed and, new electronic transitions may be possible due to the change in the analyte properties such as the Raman polarizability. These transitions are comparable to the Resonant Raman transitions, which analogously lead to higher Raman cross sections. If both mechanisms (EM and CE) are present, their effect is assumed to be multiplicative[46]. Figure 1.(a) Schematic comparison between Raman and SERS effects (b) Raman and SERS spectra of Rhodamine G (c) SERS enhancement mechanisms***. 1.2 SERS substrates For SERS applications, noble metals substrates (mostly silver and gold) must contain features in the nano-range scale (not higher than the excitation wavelength). In fact, whereas large nanostructures highly hamper the LSPRs, too small nanostructures cannot support these plasmon resonances, leading to low enhancement factors [41]. During the past years great efforts have been made to coherently engineer SERS substrates. Two main approaches have been used for the design of SERS substrates: top down approaches, involving mainly lithographic techniques, and bottom up approaches.[47] Top down approaches allow the controlled manipulation of interparticle gaps and relatively simple functionalization of metal surfaces. In the case of bottom up approaches, nanoparticles are chemically synthetized and subsequently assembled in suspension or in ordered manner. In this context, silver and gold nanoparticles are the most used SERS-active substrates due to their outstanding optical response. Noteworthy, the LSPRs of silver substrates cover a wider wavelength range (comprising most of the visible and nearinfrared spectral region) than gold substrates. Below 600 nm, gold nanoparticles mostly absorb the incident light, hampering the surface plasmon resonances in this spectral range. [48] On the other hand, gold nanoparticles are more stable under oxidative conditions, easily prepared and with high potential tunable plasmon properties. [49] 1.3 SERS instrumentation Current dispersive Raman instruments are coupled with microscopes and several laser beam lines as excitation sources. The choice of the excitation wavelength (mainly from the visible to NIR) depends strictly on the application. An important factor to take into account when performing a SERS measurement, is the Raman scattering efficiency since it depends on the fourth power of the frequency[50]. Therefore, shorter wavelengths improve the Raman sensitivity although the risk of fluorescence or sample degradation also increases and has to be considered [51]. In this particular set-up and in most modern Raman spectrophotometers, the inelastically scattered light is collected at 180o geometry. In the confocal unit, the light from the laser initially passes through a pinhole aperture. This light is then delivered through the notch filters (interference filters) where it is completely reflected into the microscope and reaches the sample through the beam splitter. Then, the inelastically scattered light passes back through the same optics, a monocromator and finally reaches de CCD detector. The Rayleigh scattering is efficiently blocked by the notch filters.
Friday, October 25, 2019
William Morris: Influences of Naturalism in His Life and Works Essay
The main driving element in William Morris’s life has been the nature around him and the houses he lived in. The most prominent influence was the Kelmscott Manor. Therefore, I chose to go with Kelmscott Manor’s layout plan that exhibits the â€Å"inspirational garden â€Å" that led to most of his design decisions, a map that depicts the pockets in the manor and how Morris was inspired by it. In addition to this, an original drawing of the Kelmscott Manor’s exterior that depicts how the manor amalgamated within the garden. To reinforce this, I picked a watercolor of the Kelmscott Manor and a photo that captivates the various perspectives of the garden in the manor. Moving on to his designs that interprets his love for nature I picked up the very first of his wallpaper design of the trellis that has a very naturalistic touch to it with the vines which seemed to be an extension of the â€Å"inspiration garden†on to the paper. Also chose one of the wallpapers he designed during the middle of his lifetime and one of his last designs as well. The underlying concept behind picking those was to outline the consistency in his design concept throughout his life. William Morris was a poet , whose poetry and compositions were also inspired by nature, and to depict his poetry in form of naturalism concept I picked a stance from one of his compositions that talks about forest, flora and fauna which directly ties to his underlying concept. Also the compositions he wrote always had engraved borders which was ... picking the artifacts. Although I did learn about William Morris and his designs in my history classes I learnt about the concept behind his design decisions and in depth analysis of Morris’s evolution as a designer only when I started working on this exhibit. It is imperative that you do research before arriving on any decision in regard to putting up any exhibit. Furthermore after analyzing the different options, it is imperative that you have facts to back up your decisions of the artifacts chosen. Every artifact that you pick for your case should have direct relation to your concept and it should be consistent among all artifacts. Overall a lot of thought should be put into the exhibit and the concept must reflect the ideas distinctly.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Both ‘Frankenstein’ and ‘Of mice and men’ are concerned with the themes of loneliness and dependency Essay
Compare the way Mary Shelly and John Steinbeck write about these human conditions. In this essay I will discuss and compare the similar themes of loneliness, isolation and dependency in ‘of mice and men’ and ‘Frankenstein’. Victor Frankenstein is the main protagonist character in the book ‘Frankenstein’. He is a scientist who challenges common science. He lives in a big family mansion in Geneva with all of his family. At first Frankenstein’s relationship with his family and friends is really close. When he moves to the university in Igolstadt he writes frequent letters to his family and Elizabeth. Frankenstein has an obsession with a desire to create life. He gets this uncontrollable desire from the unfortunate loss of his mother during the birth of his brother William. Frankenstein studied professor Waldman’s research on darker science and when the professor died it gave him the final push towards creating life. Frankenstein thought he owed it to the professor to finish his research. The research was time consuming this made his letters less frequent and shorter. Elizabeth felt isolated because of this and this made Frankenstein lonely as well. Captain Walton is the first narrator of the book. We learn the story of Frankenstein’s monster through his letters to his sister. He is the captain of a ship on an expedition to the North Pole. His ambition is to reach the North Pole where no man has been before. He doesn’t have a good relationship with his fellow crewmates because he is selfish and reckless you know because in the book the crew threaten to mutiny if he doesn’t let them go back home. Frankenstein and captain Walton have a link between them; they both have this deep imbedded urge to follow their ambitions without care of how reckless they are. I think this is the reason they connect so well and become close friends. George is a young, migrant ranch worker who is reasonably small and has well-defined features. He is like a father to his mentally handicapped friend. He shares the dream of owning his own ranch with Lennie. George is a quite a quite lonely man because he hasn’t got a real future, can’t have any long term relationship because Lennie takes up mostly all his time. In the book George explain how he would be able to live easily without Lennie â€Å"God a’mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could get a job an’ work, an no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the mouth come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want†. Lennie is a mentally challenged ranch worker. He is a big strong man who is impetuous. Lennie and George are a magnet, Lennie is the north pole and George is the south pole. They are completely opposite however they still attract each other and stay together. Lennie is childish and maybe mentally handicapped however he can still manipulate George. You see this in this quote just after George was complaining about Lennie stopping him doing what he wanted to do with his life. Lennie say â€Å"if you don’ want me I can go off in the hills an’ find a cave. I can go any time.†And George relied by saying â€Å"No-look! I was jus’ foolin’, Lennie. ’cause I want you to stay with me.†. Lennie likes to pet soft things he gets in trouble because of this. Lennie is very lonely because he can’t do what the other men do due to him being mentally challenged and irrational. You can see he is lonely from what he does in this quote †Ever’body went into town,†he said â€Å"Slim an’ George an’ ever’body. George say I gotta stay hear an’ not get in no trouble. I see your light.†. This shows that he is lonely and is searching for a friend because he has been left out. This also illustrates that Lennie is an outcast. Crooks is a black busted back stable buck. He is called crooks due to having a crooked spine where a horse kicked him. Crooks is lonely and isolated from the rest of the workers, he has to sleep in his own place in the stables because he is black and in the time of the book there was a lot of racism and it was accepted that blacks were inferior to the whites. He is bitter and angry due to the way he is treated, it’s a defence mechanism to try and stop him from getting hurt however when Lennie is left alone and he goes in to Crooks room he doesn’t judge him by his ethnicity still Crooks acts bitter because he doesn’t trust that a white man can be his friend this parallels with Frankenstein. In Frankenstein the monster thinks a kid wouldn’t judge him however the kid does. Even though there are differences the theme of judgement are in both texts. The monster in ‘Frankenstein’ is a man made from the severed body parts from dead criminals that Frankenstein put together and brought it to life. He has overwhelming strength and is impetuous. The monster is lonely because he is incredible hideous, repulsive and horrifying which cause people to panic and run away from him. The monster just wants to be loved and have a friend he can talk to; he doesn’t care who it is. In the book he lived in the woods for a while and noticed a family called the De Lacys who where struggling to survive during the winter. He became friends with them and helped the by doing hard manual work. Over time the monster saw what the de Lacy’s had and he fell in love with one of the de Lacys. When he told her his intensions she panic and gave him a look of disgust. Then the monster was mad with anger so he burnt them alive. The monster and Lennie a really quite similar they both are strong, impetuous and similar in appearance. The monster and Lennie have similar dependencies on their creator or carer. The monster is dependant on Frankenstein to build him a companion and eventually to be a father. Lennie is dependant on George to look after him and stop him getting in trouble. Curley’s wife is very lonely, bored and frustrated. She lives on a ranch where there no other women and during the day all the men go to work so she is left on her own being bored because she has no one to talk to. This is shown in this quote â€Å"Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever’ once in a while? Think I like to stick in that house alla time?†. She is also frustrated that her life turned out this way. She married a violent man who she didn’t love. She imagined her life to be full of glamour, fame and stardom. In the book Lennie and Curley’s are in the barn. Curley’s wife is flirting with Lennie. Lennie starts stroking her hair softly then he got harder and harder until Curley’s wife screams. Lennie panics, covers her mouth and shakes until she was dead. A similar thing happens in the book Frankenstein, the monster tries to be friends with William however William panics and the monster accidentally kills him. The structure and style of both texts are very different. Mary shelly told the story of Frankenstein through letters that captain Walton wrote to his sister and at the end of the book we hear the monster’s side to the story. The style of Frankenstein is gothic horror. It is dark, gory and intense. Steinbeck’s is written in a more traditional structure in the third person. It is an emotional drama. Steinbeck uses description of scenery and animals to build characters however Mary shelly focuses on developing characters. In conclusion I believe that both books illustrate loneliness and dependency very well however I prefer the story of Frankenstein more than Of mice and men because Frankenstein is more surreal and is gory which I like. Of mice and men is realistic and quite boring. I think the fact that they are very different types of books that were written at very different times and still have the same themes is quite interesting.
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